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Tag Archives: kick boxing laguna beach

As a core part of the Cho’s Academy curriculum, we will continually offer workshops focusing on Tae Kwon Do, Yoga and many other disciplines. The workshop schedule is designed to support a well-rounded curriculum, build a stronger community of members, teach a wide variety of self-defense techniques and to promote overall practices of good health and wellness.

We are proud to offer Muay Thai Kickboxing Workshops on a monthly basis (usually the last Saturday of each month–check the Cho’s Academy Website to confirm actual dates).

Muay Thai is a martial art from Thailand. It complements Tae Kwon Do, focusing on low leg kicks, knee strikes, elbow strikes, work from the clinch and takedowns (offensive & defensive).

Muay Thai is one of the more popular stand up styles preferred by modern day MMA practitioners.

Grant Pierce is a Muay Thai instructor under Prida “Kak” Koonala, and has over a decade of Muay Thai training, competition and teaching experience. He is also a 2nd Degree Tae Kwon Do Black Belt and a former apprentice instructor in Jeet Kune Do Concepts and Filipino Martial Arts under Burton Richardson.

Workshop Highlights:

• Basic and Advanced Thai Pad Drills
• Partner Drills to Develop Timing, Distance, Attack and Defense Skills
• Muay Thai Clinching and Throwing Techniques
• Functional Leg Kicking, Knee and Elbow Techniques
• Conditioning Drills
• Optional Sparring

This workshop is for adults all ages, skill levels and athletic ability.  It is great for those looking to learn self-defense and/or simply get a great workout.

Advance sign-up is required by email or phone.  Visit the Cho’s Academy Website for more info.

~Jacob Cho